Monday, November 23, 2009

New Year, New Ideas, New Goals

Recently, I have had to make some decisions that affect and effect my business.

Now, as I look forward to a new year, I have some new ideas and new goals.

I want to have a place where other women in Atlanta that are small business owners could connect. A place where we could exchange ideas and information. A place to encourage each other. A source of reference for other businesses and for clients.

I would like you to send a brief bio about yourself, your business, an email address and link to your web site if you have one. Tell me why someone should do business with you. 'Sell' yourself.

As you can see to the right, there is a place for links. I will be adding your business links to help each other. This will be a resource for finding local, women owned small businesses.

Let's take charge of our future and make 2010 a GREAT YEAR!